Our programs

Employee volunteering

By 2019, we are expanding the employee volunteering program in the ORLEN Group. Since then, employees have been able to participate in volunteering campaigns proposed by the ORLEN Foundation and carry out activities according to their own ideas. They can submit their own initiative, consult and refine it with the help of program coordinators, and receive a grant to carry out the action.

It is important to us that the actions our volunteers engage in are well thought out and respond to real needs. We encourage them to devote their time and attention to those in need, and thanks to their commitment, they help solve a specific problem.

Since 2019, the number of ORLEN Foundation volunteers has been steadily growing. Initially, there were several dozen charity actions proposed by employees during the year. Today, the ORLEN Foundation counts them in hundreds. In 2022 alone, nearly 2.5 thousand people were involved in the employee volunteering programme. employees of the ORLEN Group, who devoted almost PLN 20,000 to selfless help to others hours.

Every year, the ORLEN Foundation organizes a celebration of helping, i.e. the Volunteering Week, for its volunteers. During this time, employees can take part in charity campaigns that the ORLEN Foundation is preparing in various parts of Poland, as well as propose their own activities. Every year, in a week of volunteering, several hundred employees join the campaign. Helping is in our blood.

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